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Tae-Wook Kim

김 태 욱 (Tae-Wook Kim), Ph. D.

E - Mail:

Address: 145, Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu,

                 Seoul, 02841, South Korea



                서울시 성북구 안암로 145


2006.03.02 - 2012.08.10. Ph.D. (이학박사)

School of Environmental Science and Engineering,

Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, South Korea (Advisor: Prof. Kitack Lee)

포항공과대학교 환경공학부

1999.03.01. - 2006.02.25. B.S. (이학사)

Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering,

Korea University, Seoul, South Korea 

고려대학교 환경생태공학부


2015.08.31. - 2018.02.28.

Assistant Professor (Full-time Tenure-Track), Department of Marine Science,

Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea

조교수(정년계열 전임), 인천대학교 해양학과

2013.09.01. - 2015.08.30.

Senior Research Scientist, 

Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology,

Ansan (currently Busan), South Korea


2012.09.01 - 2013.08.31.

Presidential Post-Doc. Fellow, 

Pohang University of Science and Technology, 

Pohang, South Korea

대통령 포스트닥 펠로우, 포항공과대학교

2011.01.10 - 2011.07.09.

Visiting Scholar, Department of Meteorology,

Pennsylvania State University, USA

방문연구원, 펜실베니아주립대학교 기상학과

2009.01.22. - 2009.05.21.

Visiting Scholar, Marine Science Institute,

University of Texas, Austin, USA

방문연구원, 텍사스주립대학교 해양과학연구소

2015.03.01. - 2015.08.30.

Assistant Professor (Adjunct), 

University of Science and Technology

조교수(겸임), 과학기술연합대학원

2020.03.01. (YYYY. MM. DD.)

Associate Professor, 부교수

2018.03.01. - 2020.02.29.

Assistant Professor,  조교수

Full-time Tenure-Track,  정년계열 전임

Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering (,

Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

고려대학교 환경생태공학부


2001.12. - 2004.02.

Military duty, ROK Army, 대한민국 육군 병역의무

Awards (수상)

2013.02. Best Graduate Student Award

School of Environmental Science and Engineering

"올해의 환경대학원생" - 포항공대 환경공학부

2012.11. Best Dissertation Award

2nd place, Geoscience

Korean Academy of Sciecne and Technology

"올해의 우수학위 논문상" (지구과학 2위)

 - 한국과학기술한림원

2012.08. Presidential Post-Doc. Fellowship

Korea Goverment & National Research Foundaton

"대통령 포스트닥 펠로우십"

 - 대한민국정부, 한국연구재단

2020.12. Selected as a member of the Young Korean  

              Academy of Science and Technology

             한국과학기술한림원 차세대 회원 선정

Activities (활동)

2016-2017 Scientific Steering Committee

The 2017 Early Career Scientist Conference 

(Organized by the PICES & ICES)

​운영위원-"2017년 3회 젊은과학자 컨퍼런스"

(PICES & ICES 공동주관)


​한국해양학위원회 UN Decade of Ocean Science

소위원회 위원

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