고려대학교 해양환경연구실 Marine Environment Research Lab
We Study ECO (Environmental Changes in the Ocean)
Ocean Biogeochemistry of Carbon and Nitrogen
- Ocean carbonate Chemistry
- Anthropogenic CO2 in the ocean
- Ocean Acidification
- Excess nitrogen in the ocean
- Human impacts on the ocean
Atmospheric Deposition over oceans
- Composition of atmospheric particulates
- Aerosols from oceans (e.g., DMS)
- Impacts of atmospheric deposition on ocean
biogeochemistry (mainly C & N cycles)
Research Areas
- Marginal seas around Korea
- North Pacific Ocean
- Arctic and Antarctic seas
Climate changes and GHG analysis
- Analysis of greenhouse gases (GHG, CO2, N2O, SF6)
in marginal sea/open oceans
- Basic sciences for ocean-based CO2 removal
(Ocean CDR)
1. 2022.07. - 2025.12. Ocean-Land-Atmosphere carbon cycles (7,350,000,000 won/3.5years, NRF)
원천기술개발사업-해양/육상/대기 탄소순환시스템-책임(3.5년간 73.5억원, 연구재단)
2. 2024.05. - 2009.04. Basic science program (1,200,000,000 won/5years, NRF)
기초연구프로그램-중견연구-책임(5년간 ~12억원, 한국연구재단)
3. 2017.02. - 2026.11. Ocean Research Station
해양과학기지 활용연구-위탁(해양수산부 & 한국해양과학기술원)
4. 2016.05. - 2024.12. Arctic project
환북극 환경변화 연구-위탁(한국연구재단 & 극지연구소)